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Sign up

With Ink Fish the world is your canvas!
You can upload and sell your designs across a variety of products, get access to a great marketplace and join other artists to create a creative community.

All you need to get started is great designs and excitement to show off your new products!

To get on board all you have to do is head on over and fill the form, share your personal details & upload your portfolio link. Our Artist Experience team will review your work and connect with you to set you up!

You can upload and sell your designs across a variety of products, get access to a great marketplace and join other artists to create a creative community.

All you need to get started is great designs and excitement to show off your new products!

Account set up

Once your account verification is completed by our Artist experience team, You will receive an onboarding form along with details to set up your account.

Build your identity

Upload a picture for your profile to help people recognize you! We suggest using a photo of you. (We recommend using a 150*150pixels image in JPEG or PNG format for great results)

Create a cover photo that reflects your style and represents you! Feature an individual artwork, a collection specific design. (We recommend using a 1400*1450 pixels image in JPEG or PNG format for great results)

Submit your designs

You will receive an email with a submission for for your products!

You may submit each design with

  • Title
    Something that speaks for your work, and easily searchable by your audience
  • Description
    Be expressive for your audience to understand what you’ve put together for them
  • Design Tags
    Descriptive words that your audience may relate to while searching for designs
  • Media type
    Choose the medium used to create the design
  • Products (Based on Design guidelines)

*We suggest viewing your work on each product before uploading to ensure they look just the way you’d love them to.
**Resolution & file sizes matter. High resolution files would allow converting them to large format products!


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